How can you help with SHUM?


God is actively working in the lives of many people marginalised by society. Please commit SHUM in your prayers.

  • Pray for the practical needs of those often forgotten by society: access to health care (physical and mental health), accommodation needs and will to overcome the penchant towards substance and alcohol abuse.
  • Pray for hearts to be opened to a life with Jesus.
  • Pray God will continue to supply Christians to volunteer for SHUM


Whether it is working Jesus into a conversation about current affairs, sharing your testimony or using a parable to make a point about God’s character, SHUM will encourage and equip you as a Christian living in Sydney to be more prepared to evangelise in your own lives. Share the good news about our Lord and saviour, show compassion as Christ did and help point people back to God and love of Christ. Contact us today and register your interest or your church’s interest to be involved with SHUM:

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